Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Bet you thought I was going to talk about my butt based on the Title, didn't you? Sorry to disappoint, but the only thing it's doing is getting bigger.

I am behind on blogs. I was going to post a video of Jack talking to his baby, but I got a little sidetracked sewing lily pads and wallnuts.... and playing the regular level of Crystal Spider Solitaire on facebook. Oops.

So we're almost at 33 weeks. Things are getting closer. I'm scared shitless of labor, even though I've already made it through one time already pretty pain-free. Maybe that's why I'm so scared. the time that was crazy intense pain I could not handle it for very long. What if I'm not near the appropriate calming drugs when that occurs?

Ellie is moving like a mad girl. Big waves. She's quiet in the mornings usually, but come nightfall, she's like a werewolf.

Ok that's it for now. I'll post more later. Gotta go to bed. Jack is going to be 4 in 4 days. Craziness.