Saturday, March 26, 2011

Goodbye Geraldine

Today marks the passing a woman who will remain in my memory for my entire life. Geraldine Ferraro. For those of you who do not know, she was the vice presidential nominee for the Democratic party in 1984 running with Walter Mondale. Yeah, I actually remember something about history. This is it.

Now, BDR does not remember her, probably because for a boy growing up, seeing a male president or vice president was everyday. For us little girls, the possibility of being a person in such an important position as a female was awesome. And because of this, I wanted to be the first female President of the United States. Now, here I am as a SAHM being no where close to running for office, but the dream was alive for me because of her.

Thank you, Geraldine. Rest in peace.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oooooh, Witchy Woman

My little girl is getting a reputation in out house as someone who is excellent at aggressively communicating when she is not happy. It's funny. At first it was the fact that she didn't feel well, but now she is just pissed. A lot. In the night, she wakes up hourly screaming, and then once picked up she falls back asleep immediately. Instead of attempting to mobilize herself, she screams at laying on her back on the floor for too long. She screams when she is put on her belly. She. likes. to. scream. And cry.

As her DT says, it's a battle of the wills. And I am not going down without a fight. A quiet fight in order to not wake Curious J up in the night.

Today we were at breakfast (yes, outside our home) and she started getting upset sitting on my lap. She started getting vocal. But we must have been the only ones to notice because this nice elderly woman told me as we were leaving that I had the happiest baby. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

I love her. And when she is happy, she lights up an entire room. But when she is pissed, she takes the entire house down. This is going to be a very very interesting relationship.

In the meantime, look how cute she is. :) I know. How could someone who looks like this be so angry.

I mean, is she screaming or laughing. :)