Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My last post

So I did say it was good news that two "evil" people were dead. May I say in no way did I delight in their deaths. I didn't woot and hollar. I felt not much, actually. A man who is considered a harm to people was exterminated. My kid heard me talking to a friend who asked my opinion on it. I tried to explain that while we do not rejoice in the death of others, it is sometimes necessary. Yeah, good times.

So that's it. Just to clarify. I'm glad we discussed it.

Of course, having these kind of discussions makes you really reevaluate how you describe good and bad to your children. Kids think in black and white. You have to descibe things that way in the beginning. But the truth is, nothing is in black and white. We have all done good things and bad things. At what point does a good person end and an evil person begins? How much bad does someone have to do? Don't look at me, I don't have the answer.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

It's been a weekend

So, a lot has happened this weekend. I'm more of a list girl. So we'll start with the lists. Then we will paragraph the rest.

Good news:
*Bin Laden is killed. (May I say, it does feel weird wishing people dead.)
*My former boss opened up her own store and non-profit organization.
*Several friends accomplished their first 5K and half marathons.

Bad news:
*A shooting at our local mall.
*A shooting in Decatur leaving an 18 year old dead, and 2 suspects on the run armed and dangerous.

Pesonal Good news:
*BE has started to crawl. :) She's not a crazy maniac yet, but she is starting to get around.
*BE has started to feed herself. Thank you to my friend who gave us large rice wafers that totally interested BE to do it. :)
*While J did not pass swim class, he made amazing accomplishments. He learned how to put part of his face in the water (small steps); he learned how to paddle. He got dropped off a diving board (and caught) and loved it. He swam in the deep end of a pool with one of those tubes tied around his waist. I know it sounds like little accomplishments. But for a boy who, 8 weeks ago, refused to do any water activities during swim lessons...dude, he rocks. (I'd like to think my bribery of cookies helped - hah!)

We are super proud of the work our kids have been doing. While I would love to totally claim credit for these personal accomplishments, the truth is that we were lucky to have some pretty amazing people in our kids' lives. We had a favorite swim teacher that made J feel safe. We have two amazing therapists that help BE with her gross motor and fine motor skills.

My quick rant: Up until yesterday, I felt no strangeness in my daughter having glasses. However, a little girl pointed at her at the aquatic center. The child did not bother me because that is what little kids do, but the mother who told her daughter "it's not nice to point" is the one who did. Suddenly, E having glasses was freakish - something not to point at. We are all different. Different is the new normal. ;) I am totally comfortable with people asking questions. I feel like it's a great way to educate people about optical problems in babies. I have no problem with the kids at school pointing out that our baby has glasses. But I just wish that mom at that pool might have said something along the lines of "the little baby needs the glasses so she can see better."