Thursday, March 17, 2011

My baby's growing up

Well, that's true, but I'm not nearly as devastated as I made it sound in the title. I am like the normal parents: concerned about Curious J adapting to the new environment. But I have a feeling that just like preschool, he will acclimate just fine. Our preschool did an amazing job of getting J out of his shell.

Speaking of acclimating, Blue Eyes is kicking it with her therapy. Her grasping and inspecting objects has improved greatly. While her gross motor is going a bit slower, her therapists are awesome at pointing out the positives of how she is doing. I think because the use of her hands improved so quickly, I was expecting the same with her rolling and crawling. But the therapists said they were pleased with the strengthening of core. I have to buy her these spandex "hip helpers" to keep her legs in (, which will ultimately help her get into crawling position. Yeah, she going to love that. She has not been please with the last two sessions. But I know it's good for her.

And some of you will appreciate this. The DT said she was cognitively very aware. That's right, bitches, #2 is smart, too. Genius. ;)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My little goldfish

I am not a good particularly swimmer. And that is being generous. Since I am not, I have not gone to the pool very often with the oldest child of mine (as well as the fact that for years, I had a phobia of sharing a public space with people. Yes, I know there is chlorine, but phobias aren't about logic. Blah, blah, blah prozac. Blah, blah, blah better now.

Curious J has been apprehensive about the pool, but I have still taken him. And when you look at his parental options of being taken to the pool, I am the most likely, as long as I am not pregnant and on bedrest. Finally this winter, he was open to the idea of swim lessons. Well, if you know kids, you know their ability to change their minds at a moments notice. But he's been consistently approving of going. So I signed him up about a month ago.

On Saturday, I sent BDR (yes, not me) to the first lesson. Having my issues, I wanted J to start off on a good foot. BDR has an ability of deescalating anxiety. I think that's why I'm attracted to him. Anyway, J did great! He played in the water. He practice moving his arms (at times, not enthusiastically). He did great. And that makes me happy.