Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My new topic

So I was going to type about my issues with missing being good at something. But I found out what I was good at. Getting pissy. I was on Facebook before bed, when I read a "friends" status. He is a Christian man (minister, I think) who said that... wait, here's his exact wording:

"is disgusted after seeing a commercial on TV which advertised a dating service specifically for those who are married. The website has links to articles from Oprah Winfrey's website which promote and explain away infidelity and adultery. I'm so glad I'm a Christian, and I'm so glad I'm married to a great woman..."

Now, while would also be disgusted by the same kind of advertisement, I am insulted by the insinuation that married Christians don't cheat. While I may not practice any religion, I believe I have a decent moral compass. I have a sense of right from wrong; I try to be ethical; I try to be honest; I try to be trustworthy. It is frustrating to be told that if you do not have a higher power to keep you in line that you are, for lack of a better word, fallen.

Well, I challenge his comment saying that even Christians cheat and that is was more about what kind of moral compass you have and how you truly love your companion. So I didn't go quietly. But again, I was frustrated by another person's comment (who I don't know) who said:

"It is sad that so many people are looking for a justification for sin. Satan takes many forms, uses many people and mediums to accomplish his objectives. We as Christians have to be diligent not bring that into our homes and to teach others God's word. So they can be aware of Satan's devices and resist them. Those of us who have Chritain marriages need to Thank God daily for the blessing and gift of our spouses. I pray daily that He helps me to be the kind of wife He commands and that I can be worthy of my husband"

Well, I guess that means that I have a sucky marriage. And Satan has his hands all over me. Grrrr.

I am not trying to insult my religious friends. Shit, I feel like I do when I do this stuff. But life is not as simple as following words of a book, which may have been inspired by a devine being and written by flawed fallable human beings. Life is not clear cut. It's messy. you try your best at it. But I believe that it's possible for anyone to live a good life, even without a higher power guiding them. And even the "best of them" fall sometimes. Dude, even Jesus got this stuff.