Sunday, July 3, 2011

Love Bites

I feel like I am absent interwebs a lot these days. Blue Eye and I have been stuck to te hip most of the time these days. I love her, but a few breaks here and there help me maintan my patience and energy. She has been an inconsistent sleeper. Some nights she wakes up multiple times before I go to bed, others just once. That's just the first half of the night. Second half can go between zero and two wakeups. So if she doesn't wake up, I wake up out of habit and out of concern that she is still breathing. Needless to say, I am pooped.

But she is looking and doing well only two weeks after eye surgery. Her eyes are no longer red and she is starting to look much for frequently with her eyes lined up correctly. Look at a picture from today. Doesn't she look fabulous.

But don't be deceived by her. This little vixen knows how to ensnare her prey. I have been her first victim of being bitten, but a new victim has been taken in...
Curious J was giving her a hug, and suddenly she bit him on the cheek. Ahhh, that girl is so related to me. Just ask Auntie M. Here is the proof for the civil trial (Jaw line).

1 comment:

  1. He doesn't look too upset about being snacked on, at least. Maybe that is her way of giving kisses? MF used to latch on like a leech for her kisses and we would end up with hickeys if we weren't fast enough :)
