Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stop, You Leaf Burners

So it's that time of year again - one of two times of year when smoke can be seen from neighborhoods. I don't have asthma or any other breathing issues, and I'm thankful for that. However, I still have problems when people who live in close proximities of others burn dead leaves or plant or grass clippings. The smoke is really annoying and does not disipate quickly. It's also bad for the environment. I understand the urge to get rid of dead lawn stuff, but I work my ass off to do the right thing by either recycling them with my garbage service, or like I did this year, start a compost. It does take work, but it's worth the effort to make the world last a little bit longer for our kids and their kids. Plus, you don't know who lives by you who does have breathing problems, and that doesn't help.


  1. I don't understand how burning that stuff is any different from having a fire in a fire pit? We have a pit in the yard and we use it for roasting marshmallows and things most summer weekend evenings. But we also use it to burn sticks and other yard stuff on clean up days. Not all of it, of course, as you can tell by the 5 or 6 bags yard waste we have sitting by the driveway waiting for spring pick up, but some.

  2. I hate the smell of burning leaves. There is a burning ban in St. Joe. However, the village does collect tree trimings (no lawn clippings) and burns them at an out-of-town site.
