Since Tuesday of this week, Curious J has been sick with a fever. No symptoms like vomiting or runny nose. Just fever, exhaustion, loss of appetite. So we have been out of school since Tuesday. Man, do I really need him to get well. He and BDR went to Convenient Care on Tuesday evening and then again today to followup about the fever. Here is where I mention that BDR has an irrational fear of menigitis. It really is irrational. But if this is really the only thing that he has, I can't really complain. Fortunately, J got to see his very best friend, Batboy, before he was quarantined. The bad news is we exposed Batboy to our illness. So far, no word on illness.
Now as for Little Miss Blue Eyes, she has been making more amazing strides on the development front. She can now sit up and kneel tall in her bed. So on Tuesday, she graduated to a lower crib status. She is getting those two top front teeth finally.
However, BE has been taking off her glasses almost everytime they are put on her now. Sigh. Her eyes have not shown improvement, even when she was wearing the glasses everyday. So, I have contacted my insurance company and the St. Louis Children's Hospital to get a second opinion. It's likely that her next step is surgery, and if it is, I want a highly recommended second opinion that happens to be tied to an excellent hospital. One of the teacher's at J's school took her son to this doctor and had wonderful things to say.
And in case she needs more stuff on her plate, BE has been having these staring episodes. She also has been grabbing her right eye and the back of her head since I can remember. After talking with her d.t., I set up an appointment with her pediatrician. While she is not concerned for immediate action she would like to get an EEG (to monitor brain activity). She has referred us to a pediatric neurologist in Springfield, and she also wants me to talk to the pediatric ophthamologist we are meeting with on Thursday in St. Louis to see if it is related to her eye issues. I really want all this to be as resolved as quickly possible so she can start feeling even better than she already is. We have made huge strides, but there is more to resolve. Think of us as we go to the doc on Thursday. Friday is her pediatric gastroenterologist appointment in Springfield. And then Jack's birthday is that weekend.
It's going to be a crazy few days. It is not the Rogers' way. ;P
That is a list of medical things to do from both little munchkins. Let me know if you want us to hang with Curious J for any of the appointments. X-man would totally love to play with him when he's feeling better.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Loosey. I really appreciate the offer. We'll see how everything goes after this week.