Doing better than last night. Ahhh, parenting, the many challenges that come along with it. Totally worth it when you see your cute little person carry his two pillows and blanket while trying to walk into your room. Night time is really the only time Curious J is cuddly, so there is the urge to let him sleep with us. However, I know that isn't what works well in the long term.
Not much to say. Feeling nauseated tonight, but based on the way I scarfed down dinner, that probably explains the discomfort. I need to go to sleep; this staying up thing really doesn't work.
Curious J and I are making a garden in the backyard. We are very excited. I finished taking the grass up in the area. Next, planting.
We have a compost bin. I tried to move it to the back of the yard, but then I don't get any sunlight there (on account of our very tall fence). However, when it is on the north end of the backyard it gets sun all day. Problem is that if it smells, it will be closer to where we most likely will be. Good times!
We have bunnies in our backyard. Two baby bunnies and one mama bunny (I know that for sure on account that she has been nursing them in the back yard). I found one in my tall grass clippings and got to hold it. J asked if we could keep it. I said no, of course. I set up a home for it behind the compost bin with clippings so he could hide.
I have been using acne and wrinkle cream. It's my way of dealing with aging. While some of you may think that I don't need wrinkle cream yet, for me it symbolizes more the passage of time and the inevitable end. So, my wrinkle cream, exercising, lotioning, vitamins are used to slow me down to getting to the inevitable. Make fun. Tonight my face is burning, but I think it has more to do with the makeup remover I used. Now my eyes are watering like mad.
I love this time of year. Isn't it wonderful?
Our neighbor's son came to visit J today. He's about 8 years old (I think). He taught J how to act like a boy. J then began to climb out of his playhouse through the window head first say "I'm okay." I would stop him, but he's going to do this stuff when I'm not around so I might as well let him practice supervised. I gotta give props to the neighbor kid because not once did he mention guns or swords. I am not really ready for all that stuff, however, I think it's becoming inevitable.
J is becoming more a little boy every day. He is starting to be more aggressive in his play (well with BDR and I). He likes to play with worms and climb things. He is continuing his interest in "boy" sterotyped activities. The only thing is today, J asked for the Foofa stuffed animal when we were at the store. If anyone knows Foofa from Yo Gabba Gabba (he even knew her name without prompting), then you know she is pink. I was happily surprised when he said that was his favorite! The Easter Bunny will probably be bringing it to him. :)
Okay, I'm outta here.
I think some things are just inborn. At the Magic House this week, they have a construction area and at one point, there was only 3 girls in the whole area and ALL of them had brooms instead of shovels in the rock pile. A little later MT walked in and picked up a freaking broom too!! I sure didn't teach her that crap LOL