My friend Rich said he missed out on my blogs for the last few days. So this one is for him...
Tonight, Tori and Dean was on. I don't know why, but I like watching that show. It's like watching a spider being flushed down the toilet (Nick gave me that anaology). You can look away, but you should. SO Nick and I have been sitting on MSN Messenger chatting and every few minutes, I tell him things like "Dean didn't tell Tori about his accident - he is in so much trouble." "Tori is so pissed." I love their names for each other: He calls her "T", and she calls him "babe". So adorable. Yet, as much as things are against them... becuase of their Hollywood status plus the fact that they have this reality tv, I am routing for them to stay together. FOREVER!
I'll let you know how it goes.
Still continuing to work on Jack's birthday stuff. And I really wish to the spiritual entities around our universe that I would get to go home before this baby comes out... you know 4-5 would be pretty good. But I did get snuggles in bed today and hugs to Ellie.
I got nothing else. I'm done for the night. Hope that was enough for you, Rich. I did have #1 a couple a days ago and she really does seem like she has a stick up her ass. If that is her natural disposition, I feel sorry for her. Life's to short to have to find the perfect stick and then insert it, and then become miserable. Maybe I should anonymously leave her a box of suppositories so she can work on that stick.
Truly though, I don't know what her life is like, so all this is more amusement for my readers (well some of it), but I know that she brings my happy vibe down. And when you are stuck in a place already potentially on the verge of suckiness, that should not be the type of person who gets to walk in your room.
Ok, Ellie's kicking me. She's being gentle tonight. No cervix or rectum bashing or rib punching. My next ultrasound is on Thursday. Keep your fingers crossed for no shortening.
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